Keith Urban rocked the house!!!
Computer was down so I could not post til now. I am still in awe of the Keith Urban concert we went to it was awesome. I'm realy bumbed I have no pictures to share with you all there was no camera and no video aloud they were checking purses and bags at the door. I was truely tempted to hide the camera in my bra or someplace else but since I was wearing a black baby tee and my favorite army green Old Navy pants, there was clearly no place to hide it that would not be to conspicuous, and since the sis and I were to stupid to think of wearing cowboy hats like everyone else, and she was afraid of a cavity search, we were stuck seeing the Urban-ator like my sis calls him, with no way to much does that friggin suck. Other than the fact we were quite a ways from the stage, and the 3 woman in front of us were nearly 6 feet tall (sis is 5'4" and I'm 5'3" ) and they stood the whole time, we had to watch for a glimps of Keith between there shoulders. Damn tall chicks hello there are short people too ya know we want to see too. Anyway are seats were near the isle so we stood in the isle most of the concert and were asked several times to go back to are seats. yah sure! like we really did! we just kepted edging are way towards the stage. I just know he wanted to meet us but those damn security guards were acting like the secret service and not letting us pass, we just wanted a kiss like the girl who held up a sign that said I WOULD LIKE A WARM WET KISS and Keith told her to come up and get one, well we didn't have a sign (thanks alot Luc what were ya thinkin) but we were ready for our kisses... Oh and girls this has to be said cause I know your wondering, I got a clear shot of Keith Urbans ass, truely awe inspiring, for at least half of one of his songs it was aimed dirrectly at ME (delibritely I'm sure) and he sang the song "Making Memories of Us" to me I just know it and I cant' be sure cause it was pretty dark in there and he was pretty far away but I'm seriously thinkin he winked at me several times...There was no exposer or bra throwing done by my sister thank God, since we only had one alcohalic beverage all night, things were kept pretty low key, other than the poor dancing skills on our part, it was pretty awesome. I cant' even explain how awesome it was. If you ever get a chance to go to a Keith Urban concert Go I give you permission and take me with ya! okay!... I know I used the word awesome way to many times in this post but it is my vocabulary word for today so deal with it. Yesterday it was rediculous so if I put them together in a sentence it would go something like this. Keith Urban's concert was rediculously awesome, awesome, awesome.. Oh and to be fair I should mention his opening act was Maranda something or other never realy heard of her but she sings "Me and Chairlie Talkin" and "Bring me down" she was pretty good too.
Anna it was such an awesome time wasn't it and I love the way you describe it its like relivin' every second...although you forgot to mention the fact that for about 5 songs he was well within' groping distance from you and I and we were soo star struck we missed our chance to get a little taste (touch) of the "Urban Love"...Oh the mistakes we woman make we should have thrown our selves on stage and begged for an "Urban-style" tongue kiss!!
You know it girl, what were we thinkin oh thats right we weren't thinkin our mouths were dropped to the floor when he was movin to his songs down the center stage... Just begged, you know we would have begged, groveled and discarded apparrel for some Urban Love at least back in the day. What ever happened to our reach out and touch moto? Could it be the married life, or the fact that we feel apart in the presence of Greatness! How pathetic are we? Girls don't answer that we know your disappointed. My mind was grabbin alittle Urban Love but my body wasn't listoning.
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