Thursday, September 15, 2005

Okay so I was nearly on empty and could not possibly wait til my husband got done with work to have him get the gas, it had to be me to do it. So I pull into our usual gasstation, I'm in a fairly good mood it is a beautiful day. I go through all the steps printed and attempt to pump my gas nothing happens, so I proceed to go through steps 1-3 three more times and nothing. By this time I am saying a long string of swear words in my head( can't say them outload to many people around and there could be someone from my church there; you know the score) Anyway feeling a bit mentally challenged, so I get in my vehicle and pretend I am looking for something in my purse, counting my money etc; as to not draw attention to myself. I do this for about 10 minutes till the blonde at the pump in front of me leaves and I pull ahead to her pump after all hers was working. And everything goes smoothly I go through all the steps, and over the speaker I hear pump 9 may begin fueling. So I tell myself filler up, and I do, still wondering what was wrong with pump 11. I make a mental note to myself "tell the cleck". I go in to pay and wisper to the cleck(wearing way to much makeup) that "pump 11 is not working" she says in a very loud voice "pump 11 does to work" "no its not working" I say "It was just woking a few minutes ago"she says, "its not working I tried everything several times it is not working"Isay, miss painted face says in a iritated voice "there is nothing wrong with that pump I know cause it was just working". By this time I am about ready to reach accross the counter and help her see the error of her ways with my purse smacked up side her head and I'm sure the other people waiting in line felt the same. I say to her in my most indignent tone with my teeth held close together and lips barely moving in slow easy silibles so she can understand "T-H-E-R-E I-S S-O-M-E-T-H-I-N-G F-R-I-G-G-I-N W-R-O-N-G W-I-T-H P-U-M-P 11 L-A-D-Y!!!!!! So after what felt like an hour, she took my money slammed it in the draw , got off her ass and went out to check the pump, I followed cause I knew I was right. She did all 3 steps and over the speaker I heard "go ahead on pump 11" "WHAT" I say to myself feeling about the height of pond scum. In her smug voice she says "see it is working just fine, nothing wrong" turns and strutts and I do mean strutts like a body-builder on steriods, back to the station. I stand there with my mouth open in wonder of what just happened, I go back over to pump 11 to see for myself. I do all 3 steps and nothing happens, the old guy that was behind me in line and witnessed everything by this time is in his truck shaking his head and I swear it looked like he said there is something not right with you lady... Is there some cosmic force out there hell-bent on making me look like a fool 24/7. I mean really this is not the first time this whole gas pump thing has happened to me, great now theres 2 gasstations I cant show my face at. This is exactly why my hubby gets so mad cause the vehicles always seem to be on empty, and Hun I confess that is why, its not realy that I forget or was to busy to get gas, those damn pumps just seem to hate me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna only you I swear girl...I just gotta love ya your nutz!! By the way girl..remember that conversation we had this afternoon about the comments? I think you should check the AM PM thing again...those are real comments girlfriend...and people are reading your blog because its awesome!!LOve Ya!!

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to here it! Was a little concerned there.

6:39 AM  

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