The Three Stooges!!!

Saturday I took the three little men(the 2 boys and the dog) to the park for a picnic and some time to unwind from their busy school schedules....Lets just say there was alot of goofin going on and luckily I had the camera to get some blackmail photos he! he! After all I do have a teenager on the verge of dating so I need some embarassing pics to add to the naked baby photos to show his girlfriend...All in all it was an awesome day, the weather was perfect and the dog didn't sh** in the park this time so that was a plus. The boys thought it would be funny to pretend they were doing their jobs in the park though, which presented a good photo opp. Luckily we were the only ones there, so we didn't look like a bunch of fruit-loops who escaped from a mental institution.... After the antics in the park we went for a drive to see the fall colors and to let the teen get a little more experience behind the wheel before he tries for his license. I have never seen my knuckles so white before he! he! just kidding he is actually a really good driver. Lucy, I think he is even better at driving than you, "ya little miss soon to be school bus driver" a scary thought Luc, a scary thought....A day spent with the kids and the beautiful fall colors really makes you appreciate Gods gifts...
Hey Luc it worked finally got more than one picture in a post, A few curse words, a few screams, three cups of coffee an there it is. Wew!
Hey Anna Great shots!! The boys are so outrageuos!! Those will be awesome to keep TJ in line at school..just threaten to show his friends the Dinosaur one..Oh Yeah that'll keep his ass in line!!
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