After a very frantic search for my kitten who is famous for eluding the search party. I found him resting peicefully on top of the frig what a little shit....When the boys left to catch the morning bus I thought he may have goten out which he has done to many times to count. So after searching the whole house, calling his name, and the cold trip outside in the jammies and bare feet to check if he went to hide in his favorite spot under the back step, where he goes everytime he sneaks out. I come in all upset and in tears to find him perched ontop of the frig, if I hadn't seen a movement out of the corner of my eye I would never have seen him there....Maxxi you realy try momma's patience, couldn't ya have come when I called ya. And get that smug look off your face..

Anna isn't it funny how they can be sooo naughty that ya just want to rip your hair out of your head but when you think something may have happened to them or you can't find them it rips your heart out...they have such a way of filling your life with happiness and STRESS at the same time ya just gotta love them! Naughty Maxxi scaring the begeebees and the tears out of your mama!!
Luc you are so right with the happiness and stress part,I get so mad at Maxxi he gets into everything, but today when I thought he ran off for good I felt terrible for ever saying anything like damn cat or anything to that affect.
I have had a similiar experience with our cat shortly after we moved into our new house. We came home from work one day to find precious missing. He NEVER goes outside and when he does, he is back in the house in five or ten minutes. He is 17 now. Well, needless to say, we searched and searched to no avail inside and outside and came in the house kittiless. We were all in tears thinking that we lost him for good. We went to bed and I kept getting up overnight to see if he was on the porch. We left for work and school the next day, still no kitty. Then, I came home from work and he was laying on the front steps sunbathing. I coulda wiped that grin right off his face for making me worry about him.I cried and laughed all at the same time. I have never been so happy to see that cat in my whole life. GOTTA LOVE 'EM, right?
Kim Nelson
Hehehehe, my new puppers did that... went to sleep under my bed and didnt wake up thru all of us searching for her! Boy I know your panic! Silly pets the way they weasle into our lives.
Kim, Precious is still alive isn't he the one you got from Val I think he may try to live forever huh? Pets can sure be little stinkers. Miss ya girl! Keep commenting (Love that)
Hey Con, how are you doing? Miss ya girl, lets get together soon okay! How are you feeling after your surgery? If ya need anything let me know ya hear me.
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