Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hubs goin for the Paul Tuttle sr. (American Chopper) look. Caught this picture right after he came out from shaving, with a big smile on his face saying "Hey do I look like Pauly sr. or what?" Hun I would have to say or what, but ya still look cute to me.... p.s. don't be mad had to post it. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just remember paybacks can be a
"!@@#!" so will see what I will do to get you back. HUB

1:03 PM  
Blogger Blondie said...

TOO FUNNY! I would have to agree with you ANNA, or what?!?! Aren't men hilarious? The hub was trying to grow out his hair for about two months. It started to get curly at the bottom and along the sides, but the stuff on top stuck straight up and looked ridiculous because he is balding. I had to remind him several times that he does not have enough hair to grow it out, until he finally cut it. I should've taken a pic. But, valliant effort on your hubs part, that is my favorite show to watch.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Lucy Kruze said...

More like "Mr.Green Jeans" from Captain Kangaroo!! hehehehe Just kiddin Jackass actually it looks pretty good for an old man.

6:38 AM  

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