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This is whats left of my garden fairy after the boys played softball in the yard. Yes, you are seeing a huge hole in the chest and the head is barely attached. They were going to put it back and pretend that it did not get broken, but their guilt got the better of them and they decided to show me. The youngest said "if you tip the head forward and make her look down you can't even tell, see good as new".....A little to gruesome for my taste...I'm realy not to upset since it was supposed to go to my mother-in-law for her birthday last year, but we put it in the garage and forgot about it. A month later while getting my sprinkler for the garden, low and behold there she was, so I put her in my yard. After all I think it would have been alittle tacky to give my mother-in-law her gift a month late don't ya think... 

Boys will be boys! You have raised them well with a conscience! My hubby and the kids broke a fairy of mine in the house and it took them two weeks to tell me about it. HHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM I don't know if my hubby was raised with a conscience or not. I know my kids were, though.
love and miss ya,
Enjoyed our talk the other day
P.S. Check my blogspot for new postings tomorrow.
Anna...Considering none of your family of men knows how to celebrate you on mother's day I would say you deserve to have that little garden angel replaced with one even cuter and maybe a nice dinner out to boot!! It really chaps my hide that they did not make your mothers day special!!
This is for the Hubs and the two chips off the old block(boys)...
You might be a redneck...if you have to tell your family to duck and cover when your gonna lite the grill.
You might just be a redneck...if you can not remember your wife/mother on mothers day...sheesh not even a card?
Take heart girl they are men...I rest my case....
I agree with LUC about Mother's Day. They should be spanked! Especially the hub. You are a great mom and deserve recognition not only on MOther's day, but everyday.
Blondie, enjoyed our chat, too miss ya!
Luc, I agree it should be replaced, maybe with one of those windmills for my garden, instead of something else that would brake, you know how the kids and the hubby are so careful and all.
Big mama, miss ya, when are ya comin home little woman, the boys are wantin some of your famous cabbage soup, and I miss our daily chats. get your blog going.
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