Beside still waters my God is near,
With Him as my Sheperd
I need not fear.
Beside still waters I meditate,
My soul at peace
In Him so great!
Beside still waters my sins forgiven,
Blotted from
The book in Heaven.
Beside still waters a stone is cast,
The ripples fade
Like my crimson past.
Beside still waters my mind at rest,
For He is with me
And I am blest!
"Verle Elizabeth Davis"

the pic,s are soooo cool.I love the one at the top.it is the prettyest colors.I would love a copy.love mom
Anna I love this poem,and that is my God, Forgiving,compassionate and solidly on your side, mistakes forgiven. Great pic too!!
Love your poem and the pic fits right in. God is always there for all of us if we are willing to let him be.
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