Signs of Fall!

I know its fall when the hubby and I spend an intire day off cleaning the garage. I know its fall when I pull out the trusty hooded sweatshirts. I know its fall when my fingers and toes are always cold. I know its fall when the hubby and I start playing the temperture game. I turn it up, he turns it down. I like it warm, he likes it cold. He likes to save on the electric bill, I like to save us from frostbite...
I found the solution to save us big money. I'm not renewing his RC Driver Magazine perscription and no more treats for his lunch box. I figure if we cut back on these little luxuries we can afford to keep the temperture up on 70. After all doesn't that saying go "if momma stays warm everyones happy" or something like that...
Ha, that'll teach him!
Me & Hubs play the temperature game too!!!!
Anna Beautiful pics...I think that sacrifice in a relationship is always the way to go...and I especially think its a great idea when the sacrifice "you" are willing to make is on your husbands behalf especially when that husband happens to be none other then "Jackass" himself!! Way to take one for the team!!hehehhee
Hey Janey, hope you have a great vacation. I'll be looking forward to the pictures you post.
Hey Luc, thought you would approve. Can't wait to see ya good luck and lots of prayers for the test on Friday! Love ya!
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