Careful ladies, he may steal your heart!

up like a nerd, and we did his hair like Boozoo the clown,
he was a big hit.

got a hair cut, his hair was so tall the hub had to measure it,
yep nearly 2'' high with no help from any hair products, just
runnin the fingers through it.

hair, what a handsome kid, I know Hollywood has been callin, they just
keep forgetting to leave a message....This is now set as our computer background,
sorry Jaker-bee, momma had to..
That is hilarious! I almost fell off my chair laughing. Aren't kids great!? You did a great job with his hair. He has lots of hair like you and eric and its thick.
Love and miss ya.
Oh My God!! He is the spittin' image of his father!! And obviously he is wearing his fathers daily wardrobe!!Complete with pocket protector and a gazillion pens...the only thing missing is the geek flash light that his dad keeps strapped to his ass...which by the way begs for an imprompu spelunking adventure!!
Jake ya did good and ya look awesome Auntie couldn't be more proud of ya!! You Rock Geek-Style!!
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