Spent alittle time on Sunday enjoying the last of winter and the end of the boy's spring break, getting some much needed play time. The hub takin his turn down the hill, with T.J. doing alittle razin of the old man and givin his best portrait grin.

(Hey who brought the short fat troll) Is it possible to feel even worse about myself, yes; after seeing the pic the hub took of me and Ted, I truely feel like cryin and drowning my sorrows in a nice tub of Ben & Jerry's. (nice Elmer Fud boots lady where'd ya get um Fleet Farm, cool shades though)

Jacob and Ted ready to take the hill, dad ready to give them a push, the dog has to be included in everything the boys do , he even rides bike with them in his very own basket, quite the outdoorsmen, he has even been known to fish a time or two, he takes the dive and snatch approach, it has not been very successful though........And below the famous Johnny Knoxville(Jackass) crash, which caused a fight between the boys. It was legs, arms, and body parts everywhere (not a pretty sight)
I love the pics! Don't be so hard on yourself girl. You're gorgeous! The one of the boys is classic! The next time mine are having a tussle, I will have to drag the camera out. Good blackmail material to use when they bring someone home to meet the folks.
Love the pics of the snow. Hasn't been much here over the winter and I do miss it if you can believe that. Tell your old man that my old man says hi.
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