Just a few pics taken 3 days ago, it was cold and overcast, patches of snow scatered around. Woke up this morning after a good thunder boomer and a downpour of rain, to specks of green grass here and there, flower buds popping through, loads of mud, birds singing, fresh air, loads of mud, trees budding, birds finding twigs and sticks to make there nests, and loads of mud....I love everything about spring and all it promises, except the mud. I can do without the mud...
Hey Anna I love the pic of the leaf..very creative..I took the girls skating this winter a few times and there were small imprints of leaves in the ice it was really beautiful to see very detailed ..of course I had forgotten to bring my camera so no pics were taken but yours reminded me of how nature has a way of creating beauty in the ending and renewing of the seasons...even beyond the ordinary and obvious.
And I know what you mean about the mud...just be glad yours is not teaming up with cow shit!! Hehehehe
Love your pics and by the way, you need to submit them to Country Living or some such media form so that everyone can enjoy them. You are so good at getting the perfect shot! PLZ take a vacation and come stay with us and take lots and lots of pics! I would love to have ya.
I so miss you and enjoyed our talk the other day. You are such a good friend to me and I appreciate you more than you know. I am so sorry to take up your time about that particular situation time and time again, it is just hard for me because I know that I haven't been as good of a friend to her or to anyone as I should have been for a long time. I have let my personal hang-ups and bitterness get the better of me. You state things so clearly and you are such a good, nonjudgmental person and I am so fortunate to have you in my life. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! I hope everything continues to move along for grams and if there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to call or write.
LOve and miss ya loads!
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