This litle guy visited our yard the other night at dusk and we were able to get some pics. The hubby and I watched him for about a half hour while he feed on my tall phlox. He was not freightened of us being there, the hub even got just a few inches from him with some flowers he had picked while I took the photo. The only info I could find was that he was a White lined sphinx moth and that they feed towards evening and seem to like lillies, phlox, and petunias. They are more like a moth than a hummingbird but they feed like a hummer by hovering and feeding on the nector as opposed to landing and feeding like a moth. They sound like a bee when they fly arround. This little one was about 2 inches long and had a wing span of about 3 1/2 in not very big but sure to catch your attention. They are not realy partial to a given area, they have been found in many states. If you have tall phlox, lillies, or petunias or other flute like plants in your yard do alittle observing at arround dusk you may have one visiting your yard. And if you move slowly and stand or sit very still you can hold on to a few picked flowers and they will even feed on those, he got so close the hubby said he could feel the wind from his little wings on his hand....What better thing to do on a warm summer night than watching a little of the wild life that visit our yards, most go unnoticed, you would be surprized what you will find if you only look....."In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous"... Aristotle....
He is so darn cute I wish I could have seen him in person and how amazing and what a gift that your Hub got to be so close to the little guy!!
WOW! love the pics. I think I vaguely seeing one of them once, but wasn't sure what it was. Beautiful little creature, right?
Hope to see ya soon.
my mother in law has one who would come in the morning when she sat on her deck and drank her coffee.he would be by her planter only inches away form her.I think if you let God bless you He sends little treasures to brighten your day.just to say hey child I love you.love the pics.keep up the good work girl.I didnt know what truely talented girls I have.oh I knew you both had it going on. but now I see how the Lord will us you to brighten others lives.you already do mine.love mom.
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