Wow! 10 days since I posted last, I'm such a blogger slacker. So sorry, I have been so busy while the hub was gone for his 7 day Canada fishing adventure. Between visiting my sister, visiting my grandma, having my mom stay for a few days, Graduation party's, yard work, garden work,my work and kids I have simply been too busy. I will try to post a few times a week, summers are quite hectic with our schedule and camping and visiting relatives and all, but I found my replacement for those days I just can't post. Seems our kitty Omar the professor is really interested in computers and how they work, I found him trying to connect today. I think his name will now be Omar the hacker.......

He's so adorable! I'll take any email he wants to send me!!
That is such a cute shot of Om !! And such a little computer geek!! I lOVE GEEKS!!
LOVe the pic! Tell him if he is going to post something, a few pics of you would be nice. I miss your beautiful face.
Love and miss ya,
way to go ompar kitty.show them how good your blog could be.just dont send any of those foxy girl kitty pics I seen by your water bowl.then you could end up in the slammer.and dont tell big fish storys cause the rest of the family catches branches and crayfish.they may get alittle upset at your fishing experties.your a real cute ompar.nanasay meaow to the other boys for me.
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