Sleepy Hollow
And in this tranquil rendezvous where peace and beauty blend,
there is a sweet communion In the meeting of a friend;
for in this shining solitude,
false values slip away,
and only truth and beauty
seem planted there to stay.
The weary one finds comfort,
the struggling soul finds peace,
the hungry one finds banquet,
the bitter one release.
I think this sanctuary must be the kind of place,
where very unsuspectingly we meet God face to face.
Helen Steiner Rice

What a beautiful picture ~ and such a nice poem. Thank you. :)
Thailand Gal
I love the pic and the poem.its so true to.where is the pic taken.tell me later.love you Anna.
Beautiful pic and poem. I miss you and hope all is well with you and yours. Take care.
OOps, Forgot to tell ya to check my blog for some new postings, finally...
Beautiful shot! I also enjoyed the poem, it was lovely.
Miss you tons!!
Anna I love this poem and the picture is beautiful just want to tell you I love you and you arethe best!
thailand gal; thank you for your sweet comment, and peace to you.
leann; Hey mom, had fun having you here, sorry I made you sit through a sappy love story...The pick was taken when I went on Jacobs field trip to the zoo. Love ya Anna
blondie and janeallen; thanks for the sweet comments, miss you both.
Love Anna
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