Me getting ready to go shopping! yah!!! Jacob my 11 yr old thought it would be funny to get a picture of momma brushing her teeth. Good thing the picture didn't capture the stream of toothpaste I spit in my hair and on my favorite orange and navy sweatshirt. Hey its October gotta where the orange right!

LOL Arent kids wonderful at catching the better sides of us mommies? Mine seem to center on the posterior region of my anatomy.... def not fit for display on a web page!!!
Miss you girl!
Hey Anna can't wait to see you!!
Hey Conrad, miss you too girl. Hope to see you and your adoriable little house soon! Love ya!
Hey Luc can't wait to see you either, my fingers are crossed, my toes are crossed, my legs are crossed, everythings crossed, and I said a prayer that all goes well tomorrow. Miss you so much!
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