What the! who took this breast shot of me?( funny funny) I will find out ya know...

Mom and Lucy trying to be exotic dancers, shakin some tail feather (um girls that was non alcoholic champaign -aka- sparkling fruit juice, we loved the show anyway)

Luc after a few shots of the good stuff, so uninhibited ( we didn't have the heart to tell her it was fruit juice she was downin) Luc you big fat wino have another helping! he he!

The mental patients, we hosted over the weekend, had a hell of a time with this group photo..

Two gangsters "Young Cheesy" (sportin the broken wrist, love the pink cast bro) and "Scoop Frog"(with his new grill bought off ebay, looks to me like an aluminum wrigleys gum wrapper) fresh off their "Broke And Dirty Tour" thanks for stopping by guys we luv ya...
Even though the "lou" backed up into our basement and we had to get an emergancy septic pumping costing 175.00 and the refrigerator died leaving us functioning out of two colemon coolers, all on the same day( new years eve) you can see we brought in the new year with a bang....after the year we had, trust me we needed a good bang, at least I did anyway! he he! just kidding...
Ha ha you crack me up girl nearly wet my pants.but remember reveng is sweet I have a camera to.I will be looking for just the right shot.good laugh for all your soooo funny.nice boob shot it was me.ha ha.
You look like my friend Sarah-take care-perez
Love the pics and had a great laugh over this post! Keep "Em coming! I hope that Perez is not saying you look like her friend based on the boob shot! (Ha-HA) just kidding! Looks like you guys had a great time. I would've loved to be a mouse in the corner for this party!
loved the bootie dance with your mom and Luce. Glad you all had a great time.
Leann; I knew it was you that took the boob shot, funny girl..
Perez; thanks for stopping by my blog, can always use visiters..
Blondie; we all had a great time, I forgot to mention that Lucy also graced us with several songs sang offkey, I think a few peices of china broke.. Just kiddin..
anonymous; thanks for stopping by, always glad to have visiters who coment...
yes and those off key songs nearly broke my poor old ear drums.think she learned to sing from the julyart school for the tone deff.or from weird Al what ever his name is.
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