The neighbor cat James Bond yes thats his name we just call him James, wanting to come in or perhaps wanting my two to come out. I get this look everyday from him he realy knews how to pull at the heart strings, if he didn't belong to someone already I would have a 4th cat in my house for sure...
hay guys let poor james in.he is a good boy and when Nana gets a ploace I want to buy him Lord willing.james is a nice boy...and so cute..
Love you Anna..
Cats are so adorable...I miss having a cat. I just couldn't bear to get another cat after Betsy got killed, so I decided on a rabbit - I don't regret it, I love her just as much. But I do dream of Betsy...
There's a yellow tabby cat that hangs out in the backyard sometimes, I'm not sure if he/she is a stray or just likes to prowl. But I always know when it's around, Angel starts thumping and running from door to door, you'd think a monster was in the yard! So that's what I knick-named the cat - he must like it, he answers to it. He still won't come up to me though...I think that someone moved and abandoned him. That's sad.
Leann Ive tried to talk the hub into letting James in, but he won't let him, apparently he thinks 3 cats are enough.....
Deborah sorry to here about Betsy, cats leave little footprints on our hearts don't they. Sounds like monster the back yard tabby could use a good home, once he gets used to you...All my cats we babys of cats who wondered into my yard and all three of them have been little blessings....
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