Sunday, August 20, 2006

This Moment

There may be no tomorrow. There is no guarantee, and things that happened are history. I cannot predict the future. I cannot change the past. I have just the present moment. I must treat it as my last.

I must use this moment wisely for it soon will pass away, and be lost forever as part of yesterday. I must exersize compassion, help the fallen to their feet. Be a friend unto the friendless, make an empty life complete.

The unkind things I do today may never be undone, and friendships that I fail to win may nevermore be won. I may not have another chance on bended knees to pray, and thank God with a humble heart for giving me this day....

Author Unknown
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy 13th Emily, my buck tooth corn fed girl.

My two neices Em and Sar are the reason for my none posting, they have been staying with us for a week, having way too much fun to be on the computer. The giggles and the goofin never ends with two girls around...We had loads of fun with you two, love you both very much..Posted by Picasa