Thursday, December 06, 2007

Last Christmas

This is what looking for the perfect Christmas tree was like last year, we all picked our favorite tree but dad's tree won out. After all he was doing all the work so he got to pick.

And cut! And to answer your question yes the tree did fall on him before the boys decided to help. Oviously I had to hold the camera, you know document the occasion.
Saturday we will load the four of us and the dog in the jeep and head out to find the perfect tree for this year. We will bring it home and decorate it while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa with a dollop of Reddi Wip floating in it. Snow is in the forcast so of course we will have the fresh snowflakes to add to the five or six inches we already have. Snow on the ground while searching for a christmas tree, what a concept, as you can see in the picture very little snow last year. The last to or three years its been brown and dirty for our family tree hunting day, so I am really looking forward saturday....
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City at night

I know, I know not another sunset picture, what can I say, I love sunsets!
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Monday, December 03, 2007

Sin posse!

Above: The Landover Baptist Sin Posse (1938) "Local Demon Busters Division A."

Front row from left: Henny Binn Davidson Jr., Dan Carver, Deacon Bill Maxum, Officer Eddie (The Breeze) Bruckner

Back row: Chief Manny Tack (Father of the late Georgia Sue Gaines), Rev. Sam Kidwell, Dr. Orson Pickering (seen through the rear window securing firearms in the trunk)

*About: The Landover Baptist Sin Posse had 12 divisions, the most successful of which was "Demon Busters Division A," seen above. The sin posse worked much like a volunteer fire department. The only difference was that instead of putting out earthly fires, they put out fires that originated in Hell. Local residents would call the Demon Busters whenever suspicious activity was afoot. Division A would respond and be on the scene within 15 minutes. Sinners would flee in horror when they heard the sound of the posse's limousine coming around the corner. If the posse arrived and people were still sinning, they would try to disperse the crowd by using physical force. All members carried wooden baseball bats. They would club sinners over the head until they heard either a confession of Christ or a promise to attend church. Firearms were used in some cases.

The Landover Baptist Sin Posse stopped smokers, gamblers, drunkards, loiterers, Catholics, uppity colored folks, harlots, young girls in lewd attire, boys engaged in questionable horseplay, male flower shop owners, musicians, artists, know-it-all lawyers, lispers, and sissies, for nearly 50 years. When the Landover Baptist Church got its own state funded born again Baptist police force in 1947, there was no longer a need to have a sin posse.

Found this article the other day while helping our youngest do an assignment for his catechism class. The assignment was to check out other forms of religion and find out how there views differ from ours on matters like baptism and sin. This is something from the Baptist church that we came across and got a good laugh. Not sure if this is true or just something to get a good laugh over but we thought it seemed like a good idea. Don't you think we could all use a good beating over the head every now and again, I know I could. And I know a few people I would love to see get beat over the head. I'm not a violent person I just know the effects of sin, so I quess if gettin walloped a good one tell you cry out to the Lord is what it takes then I'm all for it. Wallop away I say. To bad the group got dispersed....