Spent the better part of last week getting our teen transfered from his christian high school to a public high school, yes you heard me from christian to public. Eric and I decided a few years ago to send our son to a christian high school since he had been at a christian grade school since kindergarten. It felt like the right thing to do, some of the kids that were ahead of him in school had gone on to school there and were doing very well. I had talked to the parents, researched the school, did several tours and meet with the principal a few teachers and the dorm supervisers. It all felt right, the only reservation I had was that he would have to dorm there throughout the week (since it was 50 mins from our home)and come home on weekends, but I was assured that there was attiquite supervision, blind trust on our part I might add. We felt if he had a christian environment we wouldn't have to worry as much about curtain issues that teens face, ok we hoped is a better word. Well we found out we were wrong about that school very wrong, if my son hadn't confided in me what was going on there, he may have finished out his high school years there with mom and dad not having any clue. Things started to feel very wrong I never realy had a peace in my heart about him going to school there but I just pushed it aside. Any one who knows me knows I let my heart lead me but only after I analyse things tell they can't be analysed anymore. Well analyzing this issue is what brought everything out. Thank you God for making me a fruitcake in that area. First big clues that your teens are having diffuculty making the right decisions... (grades and attitude )if they suddenly go from being A/B students to barely passing and they have an attitude like they want to fight everything and argue about everything (I know were talking teenagers here so anything more than their usual disposition) . Dig dig dig and don't stop digging tell you get to the bottom of everything, keep the lines of comunication open, know their friends, know their friends friends, their friends families, keep them on a short lease like the older folk say. Most teenagers if you give them an inch they will take a mile. So talk talk talk tell you can't talk anymore, ask so many questions and praise them when they tell you the truth, their only with you for a short time, know everything you can, and remember they don't need another friend they need a parent to guide them. In the end we chose to bring him home to school here, I don't really like the public school, but hey he's home everynight and I can moniter what he is doing. And to some of you hippocrats I go to church with who I know read my blog and are to chicken-shit to comment on it, who feel the need to spread rumors about my son you aren't worth my time, and were is your christian attitude, put your stones down and deal with your own children, were will they be Friday and Saturday night, what will they be doing, bet you have know clue.