Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
P.E.T.A. No animals were harmed in the making of these hats...

Never thought I was much of a hat girl, been known to sport a baseball cap in summer on those less than perfect hair days though. But these little numbers were to cute to resist. Fuzzy hats, gotta love em!! p.s. if I wasn't sporting the mother of all pre period zits placed conspicuiously on my lower chin, this would be full face shots, but even printshop can't soften the look of of it.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
After dealing with doctors on behalf of my sweet little Gma, I am beginning to feel much dumber than I ever thought I was. It's not just the fact that in the near month she has been in the hospital she's had 7 differant doctors, it's that they all seem to think we know all their technical terms. Do they not see the confused, mouth open, empty stare means we have know clue of any sort what you just said. Please talk to me with slow easy words I can understand, talk to me as if I were your mentally challenged kin on your fathers brothers side. I should not have to leaf through a dictionary to have a conversation with you.... And not to mention the fact that two of the doctors have asked us what she's in for, ( she stold a car, and robbed a convenience store) come on people is it not written on her chart. Mom and I we sitting with Grandma yesterday when a woman doctor came in and interduced herself and asked us the reason for the trachea tube being put in, after mom and I looked at eachother with that ~what the hell stare~, we told her, she looked at her chart, looked at the patient, then left the room. I don't want to diss the doctors, but I am seriously guestioning the care she is getting, none of them knew she had sleep apnea (sp?) which she was diagnosed with at least 10 years ago and should have been in her charts, but no, we had to tell the doctor, and now we find out that is pretty much what caused all her problems with the heart, kidneys, lungs, among other things. I know it is general hospital practice to be treated by several doctors at one time with all the specialists and what not. But if you have 7 differant general practice doctors in a 3 1/2 week span is that in the best interest of the patient or the hospital. How can you treat a patient by just their charts and a few days of seeing the patient for a few minutes at a time. We have heard so many conflicting stories from so many doctors I am ready for them to tell me my 76 year old grandma is pregnent with twins. I know this is not a funny thing it is quite scary, and the only thing that has helped are family get through this out of control ride is letting the Lord take the wheel, I know Grandma is in his hands and through him she'll get the best care she needs..
Monday, January 23, 2006
Friday, January 20, 2006

The Royal Gorge Brigde and Park in Canon City, Colorado a must see. We went there in the spring of 2005 on a 6 day adventure to some of the National parks in Colorado and Utah. This was one of the side-stops we made. This is the picture my hubby took of the bridge looking up from the bottom of the gorge, and to think we drove across that bad boy.

Looking down into the gorge from the Aerial Tram, which is like a trolley car suspended from a cable 1100 feet above the canyon floor. The flyer said the worlds longest single-span Aerial Tram, and sure to quicken the pulse. They weren't kidding, my three men had to drag me on it kickin and screamin. Once I got out there and swallowed back the heart I nearly choked on, it was quite beautiful and worth the quakey knees and the near lose of bodily functions.

The hub took this shot of Jacob and I on the way back up the incline, him and T.J. went in the front, Jake and I in the back. They thought it was quite funny that Jake and I were hanging on for dear life. Frankly I thought the damn thing was going to come off the cliff at any second, it was rattling so bad.

Riding the incline railway, the worlds steepest incline railway at a 45 degree angle, can put the fear of God in ya. Infact being that the man running it was about 100 yrs old with one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave, I was so scared I was praying "God keep that man alive and healthy at least tell we get back up to the top."

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Finally got through all are vacation photos from this last spring, we were in Estes Park, Colarado, a cute little town just before you enter Rocky Mountain National Park. The local fork mostly consisted of Elk roaming free throughout the town, everywhere you turned there were Elk. From are hotel hottub (which was in a heated outdoor glass room) you could see the mountains that surround Estes, and Elk wondering around.....The hubby was incharge of the wildlife photos, but being they all consist of Elk ass, I think I may have to rethink that for future trips.....
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Saturday, January 07, 2006
On his way to the NBA!
Thursday night Jacob had his second basketball game of the season, they won 24 to 12. "It was a victorious win" as Jacob and a few of his friends said and "so far we a undefeated". There were so many boys in grades 4 thru 6 that went out for basketball that the coach decided to break them up into to differant teams. Out of the 4 games played his team has played 2 and won both. Jacob has 4 baskets made total so far, 1 awesome shot this game and 3 the last game. What made this game so important to him was he was really sick the 2 days pryer to the game and on game day he had a nasty spill in the parking lot of his school were him and several friends were playing football at recess. After making an interception he was running with the ball slipped on a small patch of ice came down on his ribbs and hit his head.( Not sure were he gets his clumsiness from) Even though he was in alot of pain and bruised he was determined to play (what a trooper). Way to go Jakie!! Got a basket won the game and all in severe pain. You are the man...We celebrated with burgers after the game... By Thursday night he was in so much pain he could barley move. So mom played doctor and brought out the neccessitys in this house ( the Ibuprofen and Icyhot, of which I am always well stocked) and put the basketball star to bed early.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Reflections of the past year...
2005 was quite the year, many changes took place. Some good and some bad. I can say with certainty I will not forget all that has gone on in 2005, and I can say with even more certainty I have definnately grown. Sad to say it took me to tell the age of 35 to find the woman I truely am. I would like to think I always knew, but who would I be kidding, not myself. Every morning I looked in the mirror, I saw the reflection of someone I did not know stairing back at me. A scary thought for someone who was so sure they could be whatever was required of them. A good wife, a good friend, a good mother, a good daughter, a good sister, a good caregiver, the list was long, but I was sure I could do it all. They say" pride goeth before the fall" and I would have to agree... This past year has taught me just how much I have taken things for granted, and made me realize I have spent the majority of my life thinking "if only".... If only I were skinnier, if only I were prettier, if only I could do this better, If only I had more money, If only I had this, If only I had that....I have been so foolish and selfish, I rarely ever take the time to see what I have and be thankful for it, truely thankful....A good friend once asked me," when you are old and looking back on your life what will you see? will you see the chances you took, the opportunitys you didn' let pass you by, will you see regret, will you feel you where loved as you should be loved, will you have known happiness?"....At the time I wasn't sure how to answer.....I know the answer to this question now, it should have came easy to me but for some reason I realy had to think about it ...so friend here it is...I want to look back on my life and know that the only things that were important to me were faith, family and friends, and that I loved my family and friends with every ounce of my being, that I loved as I should have loved, and not worried if I was loved as I should be. I want that knowing in my heart that I gave all of me and held nothing back......
Every year I make those New Years promises to do this and that, they always end up being something stupid and not realy anything important like lose weight, save money etc. I never keep them, but this year my only promise to myself is to just be me, give all of me and hold nothing back.....
Every year I make those New Years promises to do this and that, they always end up being something stupid and not realy anything important like lose weight, save money etc. I never keep them, but this year my only promise to myself is to just be me, give all of me and hold nothing back.....
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
My absence was do to several of us being sick around Christmas, but we managed to press on and were able to spend 3 days with my sister, brother-in-law and neices. We had a great time. My sister and I and the 2 neices were even able to go shopping for a few hours. Something that does not happen very often in my house, being the house is overrun with males.....I was so thankful to spend Christmas with my whole family. And thankful we were able to talk my grandma into coming with to my sisters as she is now in the hospital. We took her in three days after Christmas and found she had a small heartattack and an infection that could threatin her life as she is diabetic. She was transfered to a hospital an hour away to better treat the infection, while there they found her breathing is very shallow and have her on a ventilator. She has been in the hospital since thursday the 29th and we still have know answers. We are all very worried for her, she seems to have lost that spunk and spark that we have all admired through the years. Like a close friend of hers said "she has such a good attitude, in the face of diversity" and she always has, she has always found the positive in everything, and has always kept a positive attitude through life. But these past few days she has been very confused and unsure of herself and her surroundings. Its very painful to see her this way, we just want are sweet little grandma back...All your prayers would be so appreciated....