Saturday, July 29, 2006
To all my faithful readers ( pausing for a good laugh) so sorry I haven't posted, its summer what can I say. I love summer but I can do without the 95 to 100 degree days, our central air has been running for a week and a half straight, can't wait for some cooler days to open the windows and let some fresh air in, 3 cats, a dog, a guinea pig, 4 humans and a musty basement make for uncomfortable conditions...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
RV's, fishing, dinner, and a chick flick!
Reccently while the two little men were off visiting or should I say driving their aunt and uncle crazy for a week, the hub and I were able to spend some quilty time together. The idea was for the hub to plan an allday date for him and I, as we never go out and the last time we were on a date, ok I acctualy can't remember the last time we were on a date but I know it was a long time ago, I think Clinton may have still been in office. There were no requirements for him just plan the day for the two of us, and here is what he came up with....An early morning fishing trip to a damn that is near our house, where we caught a grand total of 4 fish between us and one of those fish the hub somehow managed to rub its bloody fish body on my white tshirt directly accross my boob, (an accident so he said). Next was go home take a shower and go tour some RV dealerships in the area, it was 95 degrees out side and at least 110 inside, after a couple hours of going in and out of RV's I felt like I had stode under a sprinkler for an hour. Next was on to dinner at Hardees were I ordered a mushroom and swiss meal and shared the curly fries and the drink with the hub. And last but not least was off to the movies were the hub so graciously let me pick the movie ( after I begged and pleaded, promised many favors and told him I would post about how nice of a guy he was to sit through "The Lake House" with me) yes my hub the macho man he is sat through a chick flick with me. To his surprise he did not have to hide that handsome face, or wear his dark shades so knowone would know he was there, as it was on a Thursday and there was only one other couple in the theater with us and they were way to old to care. To even more of his surprise and mine as well, he acctually liked the movie. The Lake House a Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves love story with no T & A, no violence, nothing blowing up (ok someone does get hit by a bus, but you don't acctually see it) kind of chick flick and he liked it. His acctual words while leaving the theater were "hey that wasn't to bad of a movie, but don't tell the guys I said that". Hun your softer side secret is safe with me, I promise, and I won't even go on about how upset you got when Keanu didn't show up at the resturant where Sandra was waiting....and how you where two fistin the popcorn to keep those emotional outbursts at a minimum, that secrets safe with me too...Hun you can plan the date anytime, next time lets maybe leave out the RV tours on a hot day though okay and I promise to let you pick the movie...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lazy summer day! The hubs at work the kids are visiting their aunt and uncle for the week, most of the house works done, I have the day to myself. I can't think of anything I would rather do then lay in the grass in the shade and veg while I let Jacob's little guinea pig play in her playpen outside in the fresh air..What a beautiful day..

Sunday, July 09, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Beside still waters my God is near,
With Him as my Sheperd
I need not fear.
Beside still waters I meditate,
My soul at peace
In Him so great!
Beside still waters my sins forgiven,
Blotted from
The book in Heaven.
Beside still waters a stone is cast,
The ripples fade
Like my crimson past.
Beside still waters my mind at rest,
For He is with me
And I am blest!
"Verle Elizabeth Davis"