Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Keith Urban rocked the house!!!
Computer was down so I could not post til now. I am still in awe of the Keith Urban concert we went to it was awesome. I'm realy bumbed I have no pictures to share with you all there was no camera and no video aloud they were checking purses and bags at the door. I was truely tempted to hide the camera in my bra or someplace else but since I was wearing a black baby tee and my favorite army green Old Navy pants, there was clearly no place to hide it that would not be to conspicuous, and since the sis and I were to stupid to think of wearing cowboy hats like everyone else, and she was afraid of a cavity search, we were stuck seeing the Urban-ator like my sis calls him, with no way to much does that friggin suck. Other than the fact we were quite a ways from the stage, and the 3 woman in front of us were nearly 6 feet tall (sis is 5'4" and I'm 5'3" ) and they stood the whole time, we had to watch for a glimps of Keith between there shoulders. Damn tall chicks hello there are short people too ya know we want to see too. Anyway are seats were near the isle so we stood in the isle most of the concert and were asked several times to go back to are seats. yah sure! like we really did! we just kepted edging are way towards the stage. I just know he wanted to meet us but those damn security guards were acting like the secret service and not letting us pass, we just wanted a kiss like the girl who held up a sign that said I WOULD LIKE A WARM WET KISS and Keith told her to come up and get one, well we didn't have a sign (thanks alot Luc what were ya thinkin) but we were ready for our kisses... Oh and girls this has to be said cause I know your wondering, I got a clear shot of Keith Urbans ass, truely awe inspiring, for at least half of one of his songs it was aimed dirrectly at ME (delibritely I'm sure) and he sang the song "Making Memories of Us" to me I just know it and I cant' be sure cause it was pretty dark in there and he was pretty far away but I'm seriously thinkin he winked at me several times...There was no exposer or bra throwing done by my sister thank God, since we only had one alcohalic beverage all night, things were kept pretty low key, other than the poor dancing skills on our part, it was pretty awesome. I cant' even explain how awesome it was. If you ever get a chance to go to a Keith Urban concert Go I give you permission and take me with ya! okay!... I know I used the word awesome way to many times in this post but it is my vocabulary word for today so deal with it. Yesterday it was rediculous so if I put them together in a sentence it would go something like this. Keith Urban's concert was rediculously awesome, awesome, awesome.. Oh and to be fair I should mention his opening act was Maranda something or other never realy heard of her but she sings "Me and Chairlie Talkin" and "Bring me down" she was pretty good too.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
We are heading out to a Keith Urban concert this weekend and I'm so excited its going to be freakin-awesome. Oh and Mr. Urban if by a 200 gazzilon chance you read this blog I appologize in advance for the behavior my sister and I may display. She will be the beautiful blonde three rows back screamin I LLUUVV UUUU with her shirt pulled up to her neck showin the assets, and I'll be the dark haired short chick next to her screamin and cryin like the pathetic pile I truelly am. Please take into consideration this behavior may be alcohal induced(most likely not) and truely a compliment to you. We lead a pathetic exsistance and were recently let out of our paded cells and skipped our meds just to see you this weekend, so please cut us some slack. We are normally quite subdued and I'm sure all are friends would vouch for us and if needed...(bail us out of jail) Oh and if by some slight chance my sisters bra ends up on stage with you, please don't hesitate to keep it as she truelly does not need it. Again my appologys.
Girls!! I've got my digital camera with 2 sets of extra batteries and 500 picture memory, my video camera with extra tape and battery and my husbands 35mm camera with the zoom lens capable of photographing the smile of a nat on a horses ass at 500 worries got the photo thing covered.
I will definately be postin some pics, if he winks at me you will know about it.
Girls!! I've got my digital camera with 2 sets of extra batteries and 500 picture memory, my video camera with extra tape and battery and my husbands 35mm camera with the zoom lens capable of photographing the smile of a nat on a horses ass at 500 worries got the photo thing covered.
I will definately be postin some pics, if he winks at me you will know about it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
This is poetry???
Mirror mirror tell me
Am I pretty or plain?
Or am I downright ugly,
And ugly to remain?
Shall I marry a gentleman?
Shall I marry a clown?
Or shall I marry
Old Knives and Scissors
Shouting through the town?
No folks I have not been hittin the hard liquor this is a poem called The Mirror; by Robert Graves. I found this old poetry book my sister gave me a long time ago, and sat down to read alittle of it last night while the hub was at work. Could not beleive some of this stuff was actually published.
This is one by Emily Dickinson I thought was pretty good though.
Heart, we will forget him
Heart, we will forget him,
You and I, tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.
When you have done pray tell me,
Then I, my thoughts, will dim.
Haste! `lest while you're lagging
I may remember him!
Am I pretty or plain?
Or am I downright ugly,
And ugly to remain?
Shall I marry a gentleman?
Shall I marry a clown?
Or shall I marry
Old Knives and Scissors
Shouting through the town?
No folks I have not been hittin the hard liquor this is a poem called The Mirror; by Robert Graves. I found this old poetry book my sister gave me a long time ago, and sat down to read alittle of it last night while the hub was at work. Could not beleive some of this stuff was actually published.
This is one by Emily Dickinson I thought was pretty good though.
Heart, we will forget him
Heart, we will forget him,
You and I, tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.
When you have done pray tell me,
Then I, my thoughts, will dim.
Haste! `lest while you're lagging
I may remember him!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005

Sunday we spent the afternoon potato picking, yes you heard me right potato picking. My mother found out about a farm that lets you pick potatoes after their machines have gone through. They leave the feilds for 3 days and let people come in and pick all the potatoes you want for free, so the ones that are left that the machines can't get don't go to waste. I think that is awesome that a farmer would do that....We had a blast, it was like treasure hunting the kids made a competition out of it to see how could find the biggest potato. Well Jacob the 11 year found the "biggest ever in the history of potatoes" like he said... He was so impressed with it he carried it with him the rest of the day, he even named it "the beast". It was definately a humbling experience for the kids when they realized this is how people in the olden days before we had all this new fancy machinery harvested their crops with their own two hands... Took this picture after we were finished getting a huge box full and about 7 shopping bags full. I figured I should get documentation of my two little "couch potatoes" actually working pretty hard I was quite impressed. And they were actually laughing and having fun while working that was even more impressive. I will post a picture of Jacob's beast potatoe as soon as he gets home. He really wanted to get a good picture of it himself, he was so proud of it.

I'm posting this picture of my kitchen cause this is were I spent my intire Saturday. I baked 6 loaves of zucchini bread, froze three batches of tomatoes for cooking with and made 3 batches of spagetti sauce out of my tomatoes. I still have tomatoes coming out of my ears I'm thinking 9 tomatoe plants may be a bit much. . I even did several loads of laundry and had diner with my mother and stepdad and drank way to much coffee, I felt like I was still moving when I finally sat down to watch a movies with the family at around 8:30 that night.

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Ramen Noodle Soup makers "YOU ROCK" this family has single handedly made you rich. We've had ya for lunch, diner, and dare I say even breakfast. We love ya! yep we do! yep!yep!yep!
Okay so I was nearly on empty and could not possibly wait til my husband got done with work to have him get the gas, it had to be me to do it. So I pull into our usual gasstation, I'm in a fairly good mood it is a beautiful day. I go through all the steps printed and attempt to pump my gas nothing happens, so I proceed to go through steps 1-3 three more times and nothing. By this time I am saying a long string of swear words in my head( can't say them outload to many people around and there could be someone from my church there; you know the score) Anyway feeling a bit mentally challenged, so I get in my vehicle and pretend I am looking for something in my purse, counting my money etc; as to not draw attention to myself. I do this for about 10 minutes till the blonde at the pump in front of me leaves and I pull ahead to her pump after all hers was working. And everything goes smoothly I go through all the steps, and over the speaker I hear pump 9 may begin fueling. So I tell myself filler up, and I do, still wondering what was wrong with pump 11. I make a mental note to myself "tell the cleck". I go in to pay and wisper to the cleck(wearing way to much makeup) that "pump 11 is not working" she says in a very loud voice "pump 11 does to work" "no its not working" I say "It was just woking a few minutes ago"she says, "its not working I tried everything several times it is not working"Isay, miss painted face says in a iritated voice "there is nothing wrong with that pump I know cause it was just working". By this time I am about ready to reach accross the counter and help her see the error of her ways with my purse smacked up side her head and I'm sure the other people waiting in line felt the same. I say to her in my most indignent tone with my teeth held close together and lips barely moving in slow easy silibles so she can understand "T-H-E-R-E I-S S-O-M-E-T-H-I-N-G F-R-I-G-G-I-N W-R-O-N-G W-I-T-H P-U-M-P 11 L-A-D-Y!!!!!! So after what felt like an hour, she took my money slammed it in the draw , got off her ass and went out to check the pump, I followed cause I knew I was right. She did all 3 steps and over the speaker I heard "go ahead on pump 11" "WHAT" I say to myself feeling about the height of pond scum. In her smug voice she says "see it is working just fine, nothing wrong" turns and strutts and I do mean strutts like a body-builder on steriods, back to the station. I stand there with my mouth open in wonder of what just happened, I go back over to pump 11 to see for myself. I do all 3 steps and nothing happens, the old guy that was behind me in line and witnessed everything by this time is in his truck shaking his head and I swear it looked like he said there is something not right with you lady... Is there some cosmic force out there hell-bent on making me look like a fool 24/7. I mean really this is not the first time this whole gas pump thing has happened to me, great now theres 2 gasstations I cant show my face at. This is exactly why my hubby gets so mad cause the vehicles always seem to be on empty, and Hun I confess that is why, its not realy that I forget or was to busy to get gas, those damn pumps just seem to hate me.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Found out the other day my dear sweet neighbor has to sell his house. Why because the company he has worked for just shy of 19 years is letting him go and just a few years before retirement. WHAT THE HELL! sorry but realy this is a man who has maybe missed 3 days the whole time he has worked for them, came in on short notice everything, and the company is letting him go. He is up when the sun comes up out tending to his garden and many flower beds, goes to work comes home works in the yard, basicly morning tell night he is on the move. If called at anytime by a neighbor or friend he would drop what he is doing and be there to help. And told by his company if you want to stay here you need to leave your home you love and put so much work into, and relocate and start out at the bottom cause your job is no longer here oh and by the way you have 3 weeks to make up your mind. What kind of crap is that. Only in America folks. Everything that has been going on for the last few weeks makes me just sick. People threatened by the economy, people suffering, americans living without shelter food, water with no place to go and what seems like no help in sight. Having to take out a second morgage just to fill your vehicle with gas. I have faith in the Lord I really do but sometimes I feel like he's just not listoning. And that because americans have become so evil in there thinking and actions that he has just given up on us. Do you really blame him, we steal, we cheat, we lie, we murder, look at pornography, hurt children, rape, homosexuality, the list goes on. Why! Why can't we all just get our shit together were supposed to be a christian country but were the most screwed up. I'm sorry to vent but I just get so upset with things, PEOPLE SUCK!! And in the words of Forrest Gump "thats all I have to say about that"
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005

Just one of the beautiful sunsets we get to see from our backdoor, took this over the LaborDay weekend. I got alot of yard work done, 6 loads of laundry washed and hung out, swung in my new log swing my whole family chipped in and bought me for my Birthday, ate way to much food, fished alittle, spent some well needed time with the family. Life is good!

Friday, September 02, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Two Pot
Today is diffinately a two pot day. The kids are back to school, the coffees brewin, I actually have a day at home. Time to tackle the thing I have dreaded for the last few months......the basement..... my least favorite place in the house. It is a full finished basement but it is very difficult to tell, since our teenager has his bedroom down there, and our family room is down there, were my two little men spend most of there time playing video games and trashing the place and making friends with the local bug population. It also boast a laundrey room, and litter boxes for three cats who have the run of the place. When asked who wears the pants in the family...well that would be the three cats and the dog...I venture down to the sty as little as possible (have an issue with bugs, I don't like them they don't like me)to clean the litter box and do laundry the last being the thing done least often. I confess I wait tell the 3 boys have run out of the briefs and socks, and theres not a panty to be found not even the old ones you wear for those few certain days during the month (ladies you know what I mean) Call me a procrastinater, call me a pig, call me what you wish. If you would see the size of the spiders I have seen down there you would truely understand. We bomb, we spray, I carry a large shoe, they just can't get the hint. Last night took the last bit of resolve I had, the spider I came face to face with and I literaly mean face to face was clearly bent on carrying me back to the web. Even when threatened with my sons size 13 shoe, he stood his ground. We faught he won.....I am dettermined to get that basement in order and get rid of every bug living or dead so I don't get the shit scared out of me everytime I go down there. So armed with my husdands fishing waders, my sons baseball bat and an industrial can of Eight Legged Freak Be Gone, I bravely venture forth, ok not so bravely venture forth.......Sis do me a favor call me in a few hours if I don't answer call the National Gaurd, call the Pentagon, call the Center for UFO Affairs, its way beyond the Orkin Man.