Thursday, November 23, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Fill in the blanks!
I can't make sense of anything or anyone right now. I feel like this past year has been one big whirl wind of ups and downs. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride run by a tatooed, nose ringed, greasy haired, pot smoking, toothless carney who refuses to let me get off. Me and my loved ones can do without the excitement... One family member has been hosptalised for almost 11 months and has not gotten any better and medical bills are mounting, another family member is having mental problems and is now in a mental institution, two marriages have been riped apart, a close relationship has become distant, and the list goes on to what this family has gone through. I'm finding it hard to deal with all of this, it's not happening to me, but its happening to those I love and I feel as though I have walked through it with them and have come out the other side feeling week, empty, and confused. I'm a christian and know that God has a plan for everything, but right now I feel like throwing my hands in the air and screaming "What the _ _ _ _"?, "Where is the grace and the compassion"?, "Do you hear my prayers"? I know its wrong to feel this way, but its how I feel, I have not lost faith, just having trouble understanding the Big Plan and feeling pain for those I love....
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sleepy Hollow
And in this tranquil rendezvous where peace and beauty blend,
there is a sweet communion In the meeting of a friend;
for in this shining solitude,
false values slip away,
and only truth and beauty
seem planted there to stay.
The weary one finds comfort,
the struggling soul finds peace,
the hungry one finds banquet,
the bitter one release.
I think this sanctuary must be the kind of place,
where very unsuspectingly we meet God face to face.
Helen Steiner Rice