Friday, March 31, 2006

Wow, what a little rain can do!

Just a few pics taken 3 days ago, it was cold and overcast, patches of snow scatered around. Woke up this morning after a good thunder boomer and a downpour of rain, to specks of green grass here and there, flower buds popping through, loads of mud, birds singing, fresh air, loads of mud, trees budding, birds finding twigs and sticks to make there nests, and loads of mud....I love everything about spring and all it promises, except the mud. I can do without the mud...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Curious! Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

Gloomy, ominous, foreboding.....

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Through my tears breaks a blinding light, birthing a dawn to the endless night. Arms outstretched awaiting me, an open embrace upon a bleeding tree......"Lies" Evanescence Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Before and After (I'm to sexy....)

Our Pomeranian Theodore (Teddy) before and after his makeover (sorry the before came after several of the afters). I know Poms are not supposed to be trimmed so severaly, but he needed a good cut, and frankly he was quite depressed with himself and how he looked and felt being so puffy and his fur getting matted (and a good grooming took several hours which he was not fond off and neither were we) ..... He is truely a new dog now, it took several days for him to get over the loss of his long hair, and the loss of his identity, but now it seems the short cut has really grown on him and he's very much lovin himself. The family thinks he looks so much better and he sure loves those puppy massages and he actualy feels it when he's getting petted now......I know what your thinking isn't it a cardnel sin to get your pom shaved, but wouldn't you agree he looks so much better and happier and just think how much cooler he'll be in the summer and swimming and keeping up with the kids will be so much easier.
Striking his best pose for the camera knowing what a stud he is, so sure of himself, exuding comfidence from every pore (your the man Ted, your the man and I bet your little peach Maisey thinks so too.)

See the above before shot clearly not into himself, and this after shot of him and the kittys clearly a fun lovin pup. So glad we got him trimmed I think I will keep him like this, but maybe have his hair just a bit longer....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sun, fun, and the last of the white stuff !!!

Spent alittle time on Sunday enjoying the last of winter and the end of the boy's spring break, getting some much needed play time. The hub takin his turn down the hill, with T.J. doing alittle razin of the old man and givin his best portrait grin.
(Hey who brought the short fat troll) Is it possible to feel even worse about myself, yes; after seeing the pic the hub took of me and Ted, I truely feel like cryin and drowning my sorrows in a nice tub of Ben & Jerry's. (nice Elmer Fud boots lady where'd ya get um Fleet Farm, cool shades though)

Jacob and Ted ready to take the hill, dad ready to give them a push, the dog has to be included in everything the boys do , he even rides bike with them in his very own basket, quite the outdoorsmen, he has even been known to fish a time or two, he takes the dive and snatch approach, it has not been very successful though........And below the famous Johnny Knoxville(Jackass) crash, which caused a fight between the boys. It was legs, arms, and body parts everywhere (not a pretty sight)
T.J. nearly takin out the block wall, he's usually all over the hill so this doesn't supprize us in the least. And below where Jake spent most of the time (in the treeline at the left of the hill) nether boy can steer a sled to save their life ( they must take after their father) no injurys to report except to a small unsispecting tree, which was ran over by Jacob's sled..... To all you tree huggers out there I will plant a replacement in the spring.

Monday, March 20, 2006

17 Years Together!!!

Hun I would say "I Do" all over again!My favorite picture from the big day.
Signing away our freedom ( a glimpse of those blue eyes I couldn't resist)
First of many kisses as Mrs. Hun.

I Love You with all my heart!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an eternal summer....Albert Camus Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hey, can I drive? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Gone at 44

Last night when I was channel surfing trying to find something of interest to watch, while I was waiting for the laundry, I happened to stop at a random news channel. Accross the screen scrolls Dana Reeve dead at the age of 44, Dana loses battle just 4 1/2 months after being diagnosed with lung cancer, she did not smoke.... I didn't know this woman personally, but I knew of her and all the tendor care she gave her husband Christifer Reeve (Superman) , all the fundraising she did to help with stemcell research, and how others spoke of how she was an amazing person, a light in a dim lite room, a very compassionate and loving human being.... Through the years I have read articles about the Reeve family, saw many pictures taken of them, seen video footage of them, seen several interviews. I heard her discribe her husband as her best friend, her hero, and how she admired the positive attitude he managed to keep in the face of adversity, not just occasionaly but everyday, that he gave her strength and courage, and when he died how she missed his presence in her life just to face each day without him was a struggle.......I came to admire this family, and how their life touched others in such a profound way.... I know people deal with struggles and difficulties everyday, and that each and every one of us at some point in our lives have to dig deep down in side and find that part of ourselves that gets us through, some more so than others, but the only differance is were not in the public eye ....I feel deeply for their 13 year old son to lose both parents in the span of less then two years....What a sad ending to their story, but then they are together again aren't they....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Coca-Cola meril painted on the side of a building. When the building that was connected to this one was tore down, this is what was found between the two brick walls. Not sure when it was painted or why, just thought it was quite fascinating. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 05, 2006

From the mouth of babes!!!

The boys and I have this thing we do after I pick them up from school, not everyday, just a few times a week. We stop at our favorite gas-station and they get hot cocoa, and on occasion they get a donut. It has become momma and the boy's winter tradition. Well the other day Jacob my youngest proceeded to get in the vehicle after school and the first thing he says is "can we get cocoa and a donut"? not "hi mom" or "missed you" like he used to. I asked him "how was school"? he says "mom it was ok, can we get cocoa" I proceed to tell him I have no money on me, he says "can't you write a check", I say "I have no money for cocoa today, sorry" again he says "can't you just write a check" I say "I have no money in cash or check form of any kind to get cocoa" again he says "can't you just write a check out and get cash for cocoa and donuts"?.......I realize two things; 1. mom ranks somewhere under cocoa and donuts. and 2. somewhere along the line my 11 yr old came to the conclusion that writing a check means a never ending supply of money......Where did I go wrong?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Careful ladies, he may steal your heart!

It was crazy day at school, so Jacob dressed
up like a nerd, and we did his hair like Boozoo the clown,
he was a big hit.
Just a head shot of him after school one day before he
got a hair cut, his hair was so tall the hub had to measure it,
yep nearly 2'' high with no help from any hair products, just
runnin the fingers through it.
Close-up of crazy day set in a differant tone so you can see the
hair, what a handsome kid, I know Hollywood has been callin, they just
keep forgetting to leave a message....This is now set as our computer background,
sorry Jaker-bee, momma had to..