Monday, October 31, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
So Freakin Talented!!
I just had to post this cause I am so proud of my baby, he's a poet and I didn't even know it...Jacob my 11 yr old had to write a poem for his 5th grade class and since he goes to a christian school it was about two brothers in the Bible, Jacob and Esau. Here it is folks be ready to be amazed.
Jacob and Esau
By: Jacob
Jacob was Esau's brother
Jacob was loved by his mother
Esau was a hard working man
While Jacob and his mother were forming a plan
For Jacob to steal his brothers birthright
Esau got pretty mad alright
Esau wanted to kill Jacob dead
But Jacob ran to Haran instead
While Jacob was asleep in the dark
In a dream God promised him a new start
He would someday own this land
If he would give in to Gods comand.
Can you see the sheer, raw, talent. I mean realy can ya!!
I definnately think there is a future poet here!
Jacob and Esau
By: Jacob
Jacob was Esau's brother
Jacob was loved by his mother
Esau was a hard working man
While Jacob and his mother were forming a plan
For Jacob to steal his brothers birthright
Esau got pretty mad alright
Esau wanted to kill Jacob dead
But Jacob ran to Haran instead
While Jacob was asleep in the dark
In a dream God promised him a new start
He would someday own this land
If he would give in to Gods comand.
Can you see the sheer, raw, talent. I mean realy can ya!!
I definnately think there is a future poet here!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Me getting ready to go shopping! yah!!! Jacob my 11 yr old thought it would be funny to get a picture of momma brushing her teeth. Good thing the picture didn't capture the stream of toothpaste I spit in my hair and on my favorite orange and navy sweatshirt. Hey its October gotta where the orange right!

Monday, October 24, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Signs of Fall!

I know its fall when the hubby and I spend an intire day off cleaning the garage. I know its fall when I pull out the trusty hooded sweatshirts. I know its fall when my fingers and toes are always cold. I know its fall when the hubby and I start playing the temperture game. I turn it up, he turns it down. I like it warm, he likes it cold. He likes to save on the electric bill, I like to save us from frostbite...
I found the solution to save us big money. I'm not renewing his RC Driver Magazine perscription and no more treats for his lunch box. I figure if we cut back on these little luxuries we can afford to keep the temperture up on 70. After all doesn't that saying go "if momma stays warm everyones happy" or something like that...
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The Centerfold!!!!

Okay I know I'm going to get some slack cause I'm a "repeat poster", but hey this is important. My cat Maxxi-Pad has got a modeling gig and I'm wondering where he spent the cash. Damnit we could have used the money right about now...The other day I got my new 2006 Gary Patterson's Cats calendar, opened it and low and behold there is Maxxi-Pad sprawled across September. And the picture looks quite a bet like the one I posted a few weeks ago. "Max would you care to explain this"? "And what will your Grandparents think"???
Monday, October 17, 2005
The Three Stooges!!!

Saturday I took the three little men(the 2 boys and the dog) to the park for a picnic and some time to unwind from their busy school schedules....Lets just say there was alot of goofin going on and luckily I had the camera to get some blackmail photos he! he! After all I do have a teenager on the verge of dating so I need some embarassing pics to add to the naked baby photos to show his girlfriend...All in all it was an awesome day, the weather was perfect and the dog didn't sh** in the park this time so that was a plus. The boys thought it would be funny to pretend they were doing their jobs in the park though, which presented a good photo opp. Luckily we were the only ones there, so we didn't look like a bunch of fruit-loops who escaped from a mental institution.... After the antics in the park we went for a drive to see the fall colors and to let the teen get a little more experience behind the wheel before he tries for his license. I have never seen my knuckles so white before he! he! just kidding he is actually a really good driver. Lucy, I think he is even better at driving than you, "ya little miss soon to be school bus driver" a scary thought Luc, a scary thought....A day spent with the kids and the beautiful fall colors really makes you appreciate Gods gifts...
Saturday, October 15, 2005
The other day I got the chance to spend some time with my good friend Jane (hey Janeallen loved those pumpkin bar treats you brought). I have known this woman since I was thirteen years old, she has been like a sister to me a very big part of my life, infact some of my best memories include her, our other good friend Connie and my sister. There was a time the four of us were inseparable, we even dated guys that all hung out together. Being the youngest of the three I learned many things from these woman, probably a few things I shouldn't have. But years, marriage, busy schedules,and kids have sent our lives in differant dirrections. Our time is spent dealing with our day to day lives that we forget to make time for those that really made a differance in our lives. Jane I just wanted you to know that your friendship means the world to me, you matter in my life, and I had forgotten how much I missed you and how I can confide things to you and know they will never be told to another. And how you truelly liston to people. Your a rare gem and I love you loads my friend.....Life is so short, we should let the people in our lives know how important they are to us, so I'm letting you know in my own little way cause I never want you to guestion how blessed I feel to have the friends God has surrounded me with. And I know that when we are old( you sooner than I-age before beauty my friend he he) and I'm shoppin for polli-grip, depends and orthropedic socks, you will be right there with me...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
It was brought to my attention that I "suck at grilling". And even though I hate to admit it, I would have to agree. This being said I would like to state that the one who came up with this conclusion was none other than the human torch himself. My husband, numero uno, the big cheese, the man of the house, king of the remote, the MAN. For years I have picked on him for his skills with the grill. After all not once has he walked away from the grill without losing some sort of hair, whether it be eyebrows, armhair, or even hair from his head. The smell of burning hair has been a constant at this house pretty much every grilling season, I have grown used to it maybe even comforted by it. That is until yesterday evening when I decided to cook some hamburgers on the grill myself, the hubs was late coming home from work, I figured it would be alot less mess and the 11 yr. old informed me he was starving to death(this I quickly informed him would take a good week at least not just the hour it had been since he consumed a twinkie and a 24 oz glass of milk). Well anyways I have finially find out why it is my husband smells like burnt hair all summer long. Our gas grill is a piece of SH**. No ifs, ands or butts about it. Grade A, choice, #1 piece of SH**. If it had not been to heavy to pick up, I would have thrown it, instead of given it a good swift kick with a fuzzy slippered foot. There is not one thing working properly on it, in order to lite it I had to use a match which then proceded to cause a ball of fire which not only managed to finially lite the grill but the hair on my arm as well. Then to realize there is only two settings on it (burnt or chared) so when I left the grill to go get the rest of the food ready 10 mins later I came back to burgers the size of an oreo cookie and just as dark. We had to soak our burgers just to eat then and the hubs said he thinks he chipped a tooth. The 11 yr. old said "if thrown I think this could probably kill someone Mom". And this morning I noticed the hubs brought what was left of those damn burgers to work with him today just so him and his buddys could get a good laugh I'm sure of it at my exspence. I guess I deserve it after all the years of laughing at my hubby over the grilling. Say it is devine retribution, say its fate, say its kismet, say whatever you like. I say there will be no grillin done by this woman again. I suck at grilling and I'm not ashamed to say it... The hubby said "don't touch my grill again, its set up just the way I like it", .........Well ya know what hun, you can have the damn thing.......
Monday, October 10, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005

A few weeks ago after dropping the teen off for a class day trip, Jacob and I went exploring and found this boat marina. We had our lunch here and explored the grounds a little, there were lots of seagulls, boats and some breathtaking veiws. It was a fun day to spend together and the weather was still warm. There had been a beautiful blue jay sitting on the branch of the tree but wouldn't ya know it as soon as I got the camera ready he flew away...Funny when I asked Jacob what he liked most about that day, he said "my sub sandwich and the dead bird" must be a guy thing?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
A Week From Hell
Have you ever felt like if something can go wrong it will and that everything seems to go wrong all at once. That is how I felt this last week, and what a week it was. I don't like to use my blog to complain, but this realy has to be shared. It all started with own oldest son getting in trouble at school, not for something he did but for something someone confided in him about and he did not tell an authority figure because he was afraid the kid would retaliate against him. Then as if not dealing with enough the hotwater heater decided to spring a leak and leave a puddle in our basement. Then to add salt to the wound while mowing this weekend our riding lawn mowers front axel broke leaving the lawn mower unable to be driven, then not but 10 minutes later while I was mowing with the push mower its handle broke off right in my hand, so figuring I could at least get the weed wacker going and do some trimming, big mistake there, while I was trimming a rock flew up and hit the rear van window and left class shattered everywhere, the hubby was so shocked all he could say to his accident waiting to happen wife was, "What you didn't think we had enough things to pay for". Then on Sunday while cleaning at the company I work for I somehow managed to brake the their vaccum cleaner, the part that holds the bag in place, all I was doing was vacumming with it. It seemed like everything I was near or touched broke. And to add just a little more to my eventful week I was attacked by a swarm of chiggers, not sure they really swarm but for my case they made an exception. While I was staying at my sisters for the Keith Urban concert last weekend some wild turkeys walked through her yard so like an idiot I wanted to get the purfect picture so I layed down in the grass near a tree so they wouldn't see me and run before I could get it. Well lets just say every country yard has chiggers, they just keep to certain areas in clusters and most people don't even know they are there. In a yard of 3 acres I somehow managed to find the exact spot where they were and lay right in them. And I being one of the fortionate few who have an allergic reation to these bits, by the middle of last week where completely covered in bumps and scabes and itched and basicly lived on Benadryl allergy medicine and have been covered from head to toe Calamine lotion and Hydrocortisone cream ever since. My Pharmacist said this can last for up to a few weeks, just friggen lovely... So by Sunday night I figured this week cost this family several thousand dollars so were not only broke, but at this very moment in time I am looking very ugly to boot. So the way I figure it is, it only has to get better right. I'm shotting for a very uneventful leasurely week, is that to much to ask.